Growing in Him Counseling offers a wide variety of clinical services for Children, Teens and Adults.
Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Trauma (EMDR and Splankna available)
Grief and Loss
Life Situations
Individual Adults (Male and Female)
Couples and Families
Parenting Support
Children (age 6 and up)
Is it hard to manage simple, daily tasks? Do you feel overwhelmed by life in general? Are there times when you feel short of breath, dizzy and trapped? You may be experiencing panic or anxiety. There are multiple coping skills you can learn to help you manage and reduce the anxiety.
Anxiety and Panic Attacks

We can work with kids as young as 6 years old! We utilize games, arts and crafts, and activities to help kids and teens express their feelings and understand the world around them. Some of the same exercises that work with adults, will work with children as well. The exercises are modified to meet the child/teen’s developmental needs. Keep in mind the therapeutic relationship is key and building a trusting rapport with each child takes time. This is a critical part of the therapy process.
Children and Teens

Trauma can impact a person’s life for years to come. It can cause depression, anxiety and create lifelong complications in relationships and jobs. It can be caused by abuse, rape, witnessing violence, sudden death of a loved one as well as minor car accidents and unexpected events. We are trained in evidence-based trauma therapy and utilize EMDR (Eye-Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing). Tanya McCrea is also a certified trauma therapist.

Losing someone close to you is very hard. We hate to say goodbye and struggle with the “why’s” of the situation. Grief is not just about death, but also about losing a friendship, a job or a lifestyle you dreamed of. Walking through the grief cycle with someone offering love and support can make all the difference!
Grief and Loss

Do you get irritated at every little thing? Do you “fly off the handle” more often than you would like? Are those around you consistently asking you to calm down? If you are struggling with anger issues, we would love to help you! We can work on finding the root of the anger while simultaneously offering effective coping skills to help you manage the anger.

Throughout life, there are times that are more difficult than others. It can be helpful to process through these difficult times with a supportive, neutral person. Additionally, crisis events can stop us in our tracks. We can walk with you through the crisis to help you manage in a healthy way.
Life Situations and Crisis